Freedom Of Information Provisions
Search results
Hierarchy Contract Reference Contract Title Total Estimated Contract Value Supplier/Provider DC Annual Contract Value Contract Start Date Contract End Date
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030102 - HIGHWAYS DN249286 Highways Asset Management System (Confirm) £230,000 Brightly Software / 375042 £126,000 07/10/2023 06/10/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030102 - HIGHWAYS DN525553 Wareham Level Crossing – provision of crossing attendants £300,914.02 STM Security (UK) Ltd / 295242 £100,300 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10002 - CORPORATE DEVELOPMEN DN724980 Level 2 Housing and Property Management Assistant, Level 3 Housing and Property Management and Level 4 Senior Housing and Property Management £38,000 The Learning Foundry / TBC £38,000 05/08/2024 04/08/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10001 - PEOPLE - ADULTS / 1000113 - COMMISSIONING 110489 Non Framework Out of County Residential Care Contract £104,000 The Alexandra Care Centre (Amrial) / 110489 £52,000 01/11/2018 31/03/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10002 - CORPORATE DEVELOPMEN 145028264197769 School Admission Appeals software £62,000 FCS Software Solutions Ltd / 376663 £62,000 03/07/2023 02/07/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000302 - PLACE SERVICES / 100030201 - ENVIRONMENT AND WELLBEING 1610 Provision of Leisure Management Services for Dorchester Sport Centre £2,127,756 1610 Ltd / 353541 £212,775 01/04/2024 30/09/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 1000706 - PUBLIC HEALTH 2018 Licence for HALO £37,000 Footwork Solutions Ltd / 272702 £36,756 01/04/2023 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10001 - PEOPLE - ADULTS / 1000115 - HOUSING 2018.08.01 Advice and Support for CLTs £10,000 Fiona Astin Consultancy Limited / 0000366744 £2,000 01/08/2023 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030102 - HIGHWAYS 2019/S 133-327166 Provision of Transportation & Engineering Professional Services. £5,250,000 WSP UK Ltd / 707532 £525,000 01/04/2025 31/03/2028
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030102 - HIGHWAYS 2019/S 133-327166 Provision of Transportation & Engineering Professional Services. £5,250,000 WSP UK Ltd (Bristol) / 355899 £525,000 01/04/2025 31/03/2028
1000 - Dorset Council / 1000706 - PUBLIC HEALTH 21-01 Inpatient Detox £393,210 Specialised Services, Avon & Wiltshire Health Partnership - NHS Trust / 359354 £393,210 01/04/2022 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10001 - PEOPLE - ADULTS / 1000113 - COMMISSIONING 356863 Non Framework Out of County Residential Care Contract £93,600 Lady Katherine Leveson Care Home / 356863 £46,800 17/06/2022 31/12/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 10001 - PEOPLE - ADULTS / 1000113 - COMMISSIONING 356863 Non Framework Out of County Residential Care Contract £93,600 Thornfield Care Home / 375296 £52,000 01/12/2017 31/12/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 10001 - PEOPLE - ADULTS 371285 Casterbridge Home Care Services (Non Framework) £10,000 Casterbridge Home Care / 360939 £10,000 11/11/2020 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10001 - PEOPLE - ADULTS / 1000113 - COMMISSIONING 374906 Loyd House Neurological Centre £312,000 Loyd House / 374906 £104,000 01/10/2022 01/10/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10001 - PEOPLE - ADULTS / 1000113 - COMMISSIONING 375758 Non Framework LD Residential ContractWinston Lodge (Achieve Together Services Ltd) £498,735.12 Winston Lodge (Achieve Together Services LImited) / 375758 £38,364.24 01/01/2023 31/12/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000302 - PLACE SERVICES / 100030201 - ENVIRONMENT AND WELLBEING 402/16 PDC - Grounds Maintenance £525,520 Lowther Forestry Group Ltd / 711054 £0 01/04/2017 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10002 - CORPORATE DEVELOPMEN / 1000204 - ICT OPERATIONS 4500413850 License Management £24,000 SNOW Software Ltd / 361154 £21,300 24/06/2023 23/06/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 10002 - CORPORATE DEVELOPMEN / 1000202 - HUMAN RESOURCES 6 Apprenticeship FC - Level 6 Youth Worker £200,000 University of Cumbria / NA £100,000 26/08/2024 25/08/2027
1000 - Dorset Council / 10002 - CORPORATE DEVELOPMEN / 1000201 - FINANCIAL AND COMMER 706 / 1031 / 4634 PARIS - Revenues & Benefits £5,067,500 Capita Business Services Ltd / 0000292106 £500,500 01/04/2020 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030101 - ASSETS AND PROPERTY 900-22 Water Coolers £3,000 Culligan UK Ltd / 351433 £700 01/06/2023 30/05/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000302 - PLACE SERVICES / 100030203 - WASTE 9SPM-9NZS5N Bulky Household Waste Collection £345,000 Dorset Reclaim / 263792 £0 01/04/2018 27/08/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000302 - PLACE SERVICES / 100030203 - WASTE 9SRE-YBBFRV RMTC CONTRACT -HRC & Transfer Station operation and haulage service £105,000,000 W and S Waste Management Ltd / 352976 £5,000,000 28/08/2016 27/08/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10002 - CORPORATE DEVELOPMEN / 1000204 - ICT OPERATIONS 9UHD-U8REWF Dorset Care Record £5,000,000 Orion Health Limited / 362606 £1,000,000 01/04/2022 31/03/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10001 - PEOPLE - ADULTS / 1000111 - ADULT CARE OPERATION 9VCG-HWLG0V Housing Related Support and Care & Support at Trailway Court, Blandford Extra Care Scheme £1,095,831.04 Agincare / 269211 £181,980 01/11/2022 05/01/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030101 - ASSETS AND PROPERTY 9W2K-APGO1X Building Cleaning Mid Dorset £3,129,732 Churchill Contract Services / 218290 £110,000 01/04/2022 30/09/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030101 - ASSETS AND PROPERTY 9W2K-APGO1X Building Cleaning Weymouth & West Area £2,433,294 Churchill Contract Services / 218290 £405,549 01/04/2022 30/09/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030101 - ASSETS AND PROPERTY 9W2K-APGO1X Building Cleaning East Dorset £3,273,606 Glen Cleaning Ltd / 77905 £130,000 01/04/2022 30/09/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030101 - ASSETS AND PROPERTY 9W2K-APGO1X Building Cleaning - Dorchester Area £2,635,730 Glen Cleaning Ltd / 77905 £260,000 01/04/2022 30/09/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 10002 - CORPORATE DEVELOPMEN AC/PE2023 The Inspection and Maintenance of PE and Outside Play Equipment. £50,000 Universal Services / 28522 £12,500 01/01/2024 31/12/2027
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030101 - ASSETS AND PROPERTY Admin Autodesk Software £40,622 Graitec Ltd / 348082 £40,622 03/07/2023 01/07/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030102 - HIGHWAYS Admin Provision of NRSWA Inspection and Consultancy Service £1,250,000 Saanchi Solutions Limited / 369197 £250,000 01/05/2022 30/04/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT Admin South East Dorset Bike Share Scheme £399,000 Beryl Bikes / 373351 £399,000 09/08/2021 08/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030102 - HIGHWAYS Appyway Mapper Product Licence and Support Agreement £28,500 Yellow Line Parking Ltd t/a Appyway / 370355 £20,000 01/04/2023 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000302 - PLACE SERVICES / 100030201 - ENVIRONMENT AND WELLBEING B&WDST Management of Bridport Leisure Centre £180,000 Bridport & West Dorset Sports Trust / 10947 £197,000 31/03/2024 30/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000302 - PLACE SERVICES / 100030201 - ENVIRONMENT AND WELLBEING Blandford LC Contract to provide Leisure Services - Blandford Leisure Centre £1,600,000 Sports & Leisure Management Ltd / 351706 £170,000 01/02/2011 31/03/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000302 - PLACE SERVICES / 100030201 - ENVIRONMENT AND WELLBEING Blandford LC Contract to provide Leisure Services - Blandford Leisure Centre £1,600,000 Sports & Leisure Management Ltd / 351706 £170,000 01/04/2024 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030102 - HIGHWAYS blue badges Blue Badges £120,000 Allied Publicity Services / 365868 £30,000 05/02/2023 04/02/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030104 - TRAVEL Bus Passes - ITSO AMS-HOPS Service ITSO AMS-HOPS Service £0 SOUTH WEST SMART APPLICATIONS LIMITED trading as SMART APPLICATIONS MANAGEMENT {SAM) / 353396 £33,618.95 01/04/2023 31/03/2027
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030104 - TRAVEL Bus Shelter & Infrastructure provision and Maintenance Bus Shelter & Infrastructure provision and Maintenance £0 Externiture Ltd / 360058 £0 01/05/2021 30/04/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030104 - TRAVEL Bus Shelters Dorset Cleaning and maintenance of bus shelters £88,940 Intelligent Cleaning / 351276 £22,235 01/06/2023 31/05/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10002 - CORPORATE DEVELOPMEN / 1000202 - HUMAN RESOURCES BUSAPP Level 3 Business Administrator £0 Weymouth College / 46549 £0 20/11/2023 20/11/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 10001 - PEOPLE - ADULTS / 1000113 - COMMISSIONING Carers 1 Dorset Carers Card £245,000 Forward Carers / Carers 1 £245,000 03/01/2023 02/01/2028
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000302 - PLACE SERVICES CC15840 Vehicle and Heating Fuel and Oil £10,000,000 WP Group / 347542 £2,500,000 01/04/2021 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030101 - ASSETS AND PROPERTY CC16574 The Supply and Installation of Curtains and Blinds £120,000 Waterside Blinds / 711338 £30,000 01/05/2022 30/04/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030101 - ASSETS AND PROPERTY CC16574 The Supply and Installation of Curtains and Blinds £120,000 Custom Group / 357856 £30,000 01/05/2022 30/04/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030101 - ASSETS AND PROPERTY CC16574 The Supply and Installation of Curtains and Blinds £120,000 Solent Blinds & Curtains £30,000 01/05/2022 30/04/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10002 - CORPORATE DEVELOPMEN / CUSTOMER SERVICES & / LIBRARIES CC804.47 Library Books and Audio Visual Material - associated services and processing for library services £350,000 Askews Holt Library Services Ltd / 2575 £203,700 01/04/2020 31/03/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 10002 - CORPORATE DEVELOPMEN / CUSTOMER SERVICES & / LIBRARIES CC804.47 Library Books and Audio Visual Material - associated services and processing for library services £350,000 Askews Holt Library Services Ltd / 2575 £203,700 01/04/2024 31/03/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10002 - CORPORATE DEVELOPMEN / 1000204 - ICT OPERATIONS CDORS0002 Underpinning ERP Application £44,000 winshuttle UK Ltd / 348318 £11,000 28/04/2022 28/04/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 10002 - CORPORATE DEVELOPMEN / 1000204 - ICT OPERATIONS Claranet Claranet WAN Connetions £43,200 Claranet Limited / DCP £14,400 04/10/2021 03/10/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN COLFOXPFI Colfox School PFI Facilities Management £1,000,000 Colfox School Service Ltd / 292317 £1,000,000 22/06/1999 30/06/2029
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030104 - TRAVEL Concessionary Fares - First H&D Concessionary Fares £1,500,000 First Hampshire & Dorset / 251049 £1,500,000 03/04/2024 03/04/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030104 - TRAVEL Concessionary Fares Axe Valley Concessionary Fares £2,400 Axe Valley Mini Travel / 362337 £2,400 01/04/2024 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030104 - TRAVEL Concessionary Fares Beam TC Concessionary Fares £4,200 Beaminster Town Council / 370167 £4,200 01/04/2024 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030104 - TRAVEL Concessionary Fares ECT Concessionary Fares £36,000 Ealing Community Transport - Dorset Community Transport / 368454 £3,600 01/04/2024 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030104 - TRAVEL Concessionary Fares First BSA Concessionary Fares £37,000 First South West Ltd / 365983 £37,000 04/04/2024 04/04/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030104 - TRAVEL Concessionary Fares GSC Concessionary Fares £80,000 Go South Coast Ltd - Damory / 1302 £70,000 04/04/2024 03/04/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030104 - TRAVEL Concessionary Fares SWC Concessionary Fares £150,000 South West Coaches / 217281 £150,000 04/04/2024 04/04/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030104 - TRAVEL Concessionary Fares W&D+Damory Concessionary Fares £1,500,000 WILTS & DORSET BUS CO LTD / 6017 £1,500,000 04/04/2024 03/04/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000301 - ECONOMY, INFRSTRUCT / 100030102 - HIGHWAYS CP2275-22 Highway Winter Service Weather Forecast for South West Consortium £88,000 Metdesk Ltd / 377072 £22,000 01/10/2023 30/09/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000302 - PLACE SERVICES / 100030201 - ENVIRONMENT AND WELLBEING CPS1-27465-2023 Development and delivery of the Swanage and Durlston Cliff Management Strategy. £191,347 Jacobs Ltd / 278175 £191,347 18/09/2023 18/11/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10002 - CORPORATE DEVELOPMEN / 1000202 - HUMAN RESOURCES CSAPP Level 2 Customer Service Practitioner Apprenticeship £0 Weymouth College / 46549 £0 03/01/2024 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000302 - PLACE SERVICES / 100030201 - ENVIRONMENT AND WELLBEING CSG Sewage Waste Disposal (Tankering) £46,920 Cleansing Service Group / 705198 £46,920 01/04/2022 30/04/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 10002 - CORPORATE DEVELOPMEN D0537 Dorset Care Record - DC time allocation £50,000 DCH NHS Foundation Trust / 285594 £50,000 18/05/2014 17/05/2034
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000402 - COMMIS. & PART'SHIPS DC-CS 21-05 Up2U Perpetrator Programme £118,246 BCP Council / 368372 £92,621.80 01/04/2024 01/04/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN Dc-CS/2018-21 Moderation Contract £131,498 Hampshire County Council / 45053 £63,687.50 01/09/2023 31/08/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000402 - COMMIS. & PART'SHIPS DC-CS/2019-17 A-F Framework Agreement relating to the Provision of Short Breaks for Children who are Disabled £4,840,000 Encompass (Dorset) / 104930 £0 01/04/2022 30/06/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000402 - COMMIS. & PART'SHIPS DC-CS/2019-17 A-F Framework Agreement relating to the Provision of Short Breaks for Children who are Disabled £4,840,000 Activate Performing Arts / 10283 £0 01/04/2023 30/06/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000402 - COMMIS. & PART'SHIPS DC-CS/2019-17 A-F Framework Agreement relating to the Provision of Short Breaks for Children who are Disabled £4,840,000 Diverse Abilities Plus Ltd / 1501 £0 01/04/2023 31/03/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000402 - COMMIS. & PART'SHIPS DC-CS/2019-17 A-F Framework Agreement relating to the Provision of Short Breaks for Children who are Disabled £4,840,000 Future Roots Limited / 288747 £0 01/04/2023 30/06/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000402 - COMMIS. & PART'SHIPS DC-CS/2019-17 A-F Framework Agreement relating to the Provision of Short Breaks for Children who are Disabled £4,840,000 Activate Performing Arts / 10283 £0 01/04/2023 30/06/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2019-17 B1 Y4 CALL-OFF CONTRACT FOR SHORT BREAKS FOR CHILDREN WHO ARE DISABLED £19,053.53 Diverse Abilities Plus Limited / 1501 £19,053.53 01/04/2023 31/03/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2019-17 B2 Y4 CALL-OFF CONTRACT - PROVISION OF SHORT BREAKS FOR CHILDREN WHO ARE DISABLED £50,498.70 Diverse Abilities Plus Limited / 1501 £50,498.70 01/04/2023 03/03/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2019-17 B3 Y4 CALL-OFF CONTRACT - PROVISION OF SHORT BREAKS FOR CHILDREN WHO ARE DISABLED £39,038.74 Diverse Abilities Plus Limited / 1501 £39,038.74 01/04/2023 31/03/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2019-17 C Y4 CALL-OFF CONTRACT FOR SHORT BREAKS FOR CHILDREN WHO ARE DISABLED £68,736 Future Roots Limited / 288747 £64,736 01/04/2023 31/03/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000402 - COMMIS. & PART'SHIPS / 100040202 - C&P - BUS INTELL DC-CS/2021-07 NCER Membership £12,679.74 NCER (National Consortium for Examination Result) / 351099 £12,679.74 01/04/2024 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2021-09 / DN528000 All Age Appropriate Adult Service £320,796 The Appropriate Adult Service Ltd / 369330 £114,429 01/07/2024 30/06/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000402 - COMMIS. & PART'SHIPS DC-CS/2021-21 Foster Carer Handbook Services Agreement £8,500 signis Limited / 360662 £1,575 30/09/2024 25/07/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022 - 02 Pan Dorset Multi Agency Safeguarding Children Partnership £13,200 signis Limited / 360662 £6,600 01/03/2025 25/07/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022 - 25 Main Contract Dorset Council and Dorset Centre of Excellence Limited £3,052,368 Dorset Centre of Excellence Limited / 375382 £3,052,368 13/05/2022 13/05/2032
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022 -10 C DC Funding to Special School for Speech and Language Therapy (SaLT) £93,559 Mountjoy School / 47218 £12,150.68 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022 -10 D DC Funding to Special School for Speech and Language Therapy (SaLT) £143,052 Westfield Arts College / 47843 £24,707.89 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022 -10 E DC Funding to Special School for Speech and Language Therapy (SaLT) £122,330.82 Yewstock School / 47842 £16,622.49 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022 -10 F DC Funding to Special School for Speech and Language Therapy (SaLT) £63,735 The Harbour School / TBA £12,286.19 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-05 The Provision Of A Private Fostering Service In Respect Of Language And Guardianship School Students £125,000 BCP Council / 368372 £50,000 01/10/2023 31/03/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-06 Children's Services Procedures Manual £19,800 signis Limited / 360662 £9,900 14/05/2024 13/04/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-10 A DC Funding to Special School for Speech and Language Therapy (SaLT) £95,058 Wyvern Academy / 351379 £10,840 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-10 B DC Funding to Special School for Speech and Language Therapy (SaLT) £123,680 Beaucroft Foundation School / 361761 £19,152 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Dorset Wellbeing Limited / 364829 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Core Creative Education CIC / 355762 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Dorset Trade Skills (SW) Limited / 359234 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Future Roots Limited / 288747 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 SUN Connections / 369536 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Teaching Personnel Ltd / 189294 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 The Horse Course / 357409 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Willow Banks Forest School / 370889 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Corfe Valley Outdoor Learning / 372424 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Notton EAL / 375786 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Learning to Live Ltd / 373964 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 The Koru Project CIC / 368601 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Purbeck Youth and Community Foundation / 361722 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Innovate Dorset Ltd / 369040 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Hooke Court / 128308 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Positive Change SW Ltd £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 The Luccombe Hub Ltd / 368578 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 The Ranch Weymouth / 372805 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Brighter Horizon Training / Tba £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Fleet Education Services Ltd T/A Fleet Tutors / 290355 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Green Sparks / 376330 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 ABC Education Limited / TBC £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Autism Unlimited / 373744 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Evergreen Education and Therapy Ltd / TBC £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Ngaged Ltd / TBC £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Onwards n Upwards / 821079 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Prospero Teaching / 361597 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Young Dorset £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Evergreen Education and Therapy Ltd / TBC £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Bespoke Learning Ltd / 371856 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Five Rivers Child Care Ltd / 166548 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 GDF Limited / 366226 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Keehan2Achieve / 366044 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Nisai Virtual Academy Limited T/A Nisai Learning / 357076 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Learning to Live Ltd / 373964 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Personalised Learning Dorset Limited / 370921 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Targeted Provision / 371410 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Not on DES - Quest Work Skills offering programmes run by Dan Robert Shoebridge / No DES record at present £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Go Fish Education Limited / 365699 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Fresh Start in Education / 365943 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 Dorset Pathways / 376412 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-11 Supporting Progress and Inclusion £12,000,000 1st Staff Limited / 376812 £0 01/09/2024 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-12 Children's Residential Care £42,000,000 Lily Residential Services / 372568 £0 01/07/2022 30/06/2027
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-12 Children's Residential Care £42,000,000 Budwood Limited / 364512 £0 01/07/2022 30/06/2027
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-14 IDOX Software SaaS hosting £30,500 Idox Software Ltd / 0000285698 £18,540 15/07/2024 14/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-16 Schools Information Management Services (SIMS) £0 Education Software Solution Limited / 371607 £133,354.31 01/04/2022 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-17 Schools Anti Virus Licenses £10,687.50 Insight Direct (UK) Ltd / 194383 £10,687.50 16/04/2022 15/04/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-19 THE PROVISION OF DOMESTIC ABUSE (VICTIM) WORKERS TO SUPPORT THE SAFEGUARDING FAMILIES TOGETHER APPROACH £140,000 The YOU Trust / 272646 £200,800 01/04/2024 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-22 Inclusion Hubs £3,554,405 St Mary's Bridport School / no vendor number £84,000 01/09/2022 31/08/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-22 Inclusion Hubs £3,554,405 Bincombe Valley School / no vendor number £84,000 02/02/2023 02/02/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2022-22 Inclusion Hubs £3,554,405 Ferndown Upper School / 47805 £60,000 01/02/2023 31/01/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2023-01 The provision of Family Link Workers as part of Dorset Families Matter £430,000 Caring for Communities and People (CCP) / 376169 £215,000 01/04/2023 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2023-04 Variation to the Service Level Agreement relating to The Centre Ferndown £0 The Centre CIC / 366168 £13,543 01/04/2023 31/03/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2023-06 Mind of My Own (MOMO) £36,873 Mind of my Own Ltd / 377316 £19,701 02/01/2024 01/01/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2023-10 Provision of Supported Housing for Young People £0 Bournemouth Churches Housing Association / 92234 £114,816 01/04/2023 31/03/2028
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2023-10 Provision of Supported Housing for Young People £0 Encompass (Dorset) / 104930 £0 01/04/2023 31/03/2028
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2023-10 Provision of Supported Housing for Young People £0 The Lily Housing Project / 246716 £0 01/04/2023 31/03/2028
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2023-10 Provision of Supported Housing for Young People £0 Step by Step / 360155 £0 01/04/2023 31/03/2028
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2023-10 Provision of Supported Housing for Young People £0 Stonewater Ltd / 364082 £0 01/04/2023 31/03/2028
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2023-10 Provision of Supported Housing for Young People £0 The YOU Trust / 272646 £428,220 01/04/2023 31/03/2028
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2023-10 Provision of Supported Housing for Young People £0 Angel and Star Care Services Ltd / TBC £0 14/05/2024 31/03/2028
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2023-10 Provision of Supported Housing for Young People £0 Carelife Limited / TBC £0 14/05/2024 31/03/2028
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2023-10 Provision of Supported Housing for Young People £0 Global Personnel Direct Ltd / TBC £0 14/05/2024 31/03/2028
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2023-10 Provision of Supported Housing for Young People £0 Shiloh Healthcare Services / TBC £0 14/05/2024 31/03/2028
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2023-14 Local Authority Children's Home Manual £12,000 signis Limited / 360662 £4,000 26/07/2023 25/07/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2023-15 Supported Accommodation and Supported Accommodation Manual £15,150 signis Limited / 360662 £5,050 26/07/2023 25/07/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2024-11 Wraparound Childcare Programme £21,700 The Abbey CofE / Tbc £21,700 02/09/2024 01/09/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2024-11 Wraparound Childcare Programme £10,800 All Saints CoE Primary School / Tbc £10,800 02/09/2024 01/09/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2024-11 Wraparound Childcare Programme £21,700 Ferndown Middle School / Tbc £21,700 02/09/2024 01/09/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2024-11 Wraparound Childcare Programme £21,700 Salway Ash CoE / tba £21,700 02/09/2024 01/09/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2024-11 Wraparound Childcare Programme £21,700 St Mary CoE Middle School / Tba £21,700 02/09/2024 01/09/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2024-11 Wraparound Childcare Programme £21,700 Parrett and Axe CoE / Tba £21,700 02/09/2024 01/09/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2024-11 Wraparound Childcare Programme £10,800 St Nicholas and St Laurence CoE / Tba £10,800 02/09/2024 01/09/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2024-11 Wraparound Childcare Programme £5,400 Wyke Regis CoE / Tba £5,400 02/09/2024 01/09/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DC-CS/2025-01 Agreement for the provision of the Attendance & Attainment Monitoring Service, ePEP System & Analytics Product £51,406 Welfare Call (LAC) Limited / 371242 £51,406 01/01/2025 31/12/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10001 - PEOPLE - ADULTS / 1000113 - COMMISSIONING DC/online1 Bridgit Care £113,000 Upstream Health (Bridgit Care) / 376257 £46,500 01/05/2024 30/04/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000302 - PLACE SERVICES / 100030203 - WASTE DC0924 Waste Services IT System £615,000 Bartec Municipal Technologies Ltd / 364015 £98,284 04/12/2024 31/03/2030
1000 - Dorset Council / 10002 - CORPORATE DEVELOPMEN DCC Credit Rating Service £8,000 Creditsafe Business Solutions / 274547 £2,513 30/05/2024 29/05/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC CS 18-08 Independent Special School Placement £108,000 Bredon School / 349301 £27,000 31/12/2017 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION DCC-CS/17-04 Independent Fostering Agency Placements - SC - Lot 1 £0 Blue Sky Fostering Ltd / 276089 £349,588.72 01/04/2017 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION DCC-CS/17-04 Independent Fostering Agency Placements - SC - Lot 1 £0 The Adolescent & Children's Trust / 359429 £232,464.44 01/04/2022 31/03/2027
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION DCC-CS/17-04 Independent Fostering Agency Placements - SC - Lot 1 £0 The Adolescent & Children's Trust / 359429 £80,000 01/04/2023 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION DCC-CS/17-04 Independent Fostering Agency Placements - SC - Lot 1 £0 The Adolescent & Children's Trust / 359429 £80,000 01/04/2023 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION DCC-CS/17-04 Independent Fostering Agency Placements - SC - Lot 1 £0 The Adolescent & Children's Trust / 359429 £80,000 01/04/2023 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION DCC-CS/17-04 Independent Fostering Agency Placements - SC - Lot 1 £0 Capstone Foster Agency / 255955 £100,000 01/04/2023 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION DCC-CS/17-04 Independent Fostering Agency Placements - SC - Lot 1 £0 Enhanced Foster Care Ltd / 291742 £100,000 01/04/2023 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION DCC-CS/17-04 Independent Fostering Agency Placements - SC - Lot 1 £0 Fusion Fostering Ltd / 350817 £173,633.20 01/04/2023 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION DCC-CS/17-04 Independent Fostering Agency Placements - SC - Lot 1 £0 Five Rivers Child Care Ltd / 166548 £236,990 01/04/2023 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION DCC-CS/17-04 Independent Fostering Agency Placements - SC - Lot 1 £0 Footprints Foster Care Ltd / 353921 £165,172.80 01/04/2023 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION DCC-CS/17-04 Independent Fostering Agency Placements - SC - Lot 1 £0 The National Fostering Agency Ltd / 271762 £195,081.64 01/04/2023 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION DCC-CS/17-04 Independent Fostering Agency Placements - SC - Lot 1 £0 Ethelbert Fostering Services £52,000 01/04/2022 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION DCC-CS/17-04 Independent Fostering Agency Placements - SC - Lot 1 £0 Nexus Fostering / 362111 £45,000 01/12/2022 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION DCC-CS/17-04 Independent Fostering Agency Placements - SC - Lot 3 - Parent and Child £0 Fostering Solutions Ltd / 345359 £68,900 01/04/2017 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10003 - PLACE / 1000302 - PLACE SERVICES / 100030201 - ENVIRONMENT AND WELLBEING DCC-CS/2005 Ferndown Leisure Centre Management £1,665,696 Places for People Leisure Management Ltd / 165712 £1,665,696 07/07/2015 31/03/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DCC-CS/2014-04 2021 Partnership Agreement relating to strengthening inclusion in education settings through TADSS £425,900 Westfield Arts College / 47843 £185,300 01/09/2021 31/08/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DCC-CS/2014-08 Hearing & Vision Support Service (HVSS) £0 Dorset Council, HVSS provider / Internal service £1,442,955 01/04/2014 31/08/2024
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DCC-CS/2016-02B Early Years & Childcare Qualifications for Eligible Practitioners £10,500 Bournemouth and Poole College / 46550 £10,500 01/04/2021 31/03/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DCC-CS/2016-02C Early Years & Childcare Qualifications for Eligible Practitioners £0 Bournemouth Montessori Centre Ltd / 163553 £0 01/04/2021 31/03/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DCC-CS/2016-02D Early Years & Childcare Qualifications for Eligible Practitioners £12,000 Brockenhurst College / 33383 £4,500 01/04/2021 31/03/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DCC-CS/2016-02F Early Years & Childcare Qualifications for Eligible Practitioners £279 Skills & Learning Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole, part of Borough of Poole / DCP £279 01/04/2021 31/03/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DCC-CS/2016-02G Early Years & Childcare Qualifications for Eligible Practitioners £3,950 MNT Training Ltd / 344754 £1,800 01/04/2021 31/03/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DCC-CS/2016-02J Early Years & Childcare Qualifications for Eligible Practitioners £6,950 The Side By Side Partnership Limited / 240601 £8,450 01/04/2021 31/03/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DCC-CS/2016-02K Early Years & Childcare Qualifications for Eligible Practitioners £850 The Childcare Company / 294278 £850 01/04/2021 31/03/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DCC-CS/2016-02L Early Years & Childcare Qualifications for Eligible Practitioners £28,700 Wessex Training and Assessment Ltd / 247456 £36,800 01/04/2021 31/03/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DCC-CS/2016-02M Early Years & Childcare Qualifications for Eligible Practitioners £12,500 Weymouth College / 46549 £12,500 01/04/2021 31/03/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DCC-CS/2016-02N Early Years & Childcare Qualifications for Eligible Practitioners £850 Yeovil College / 170682 £7,200 01/04/2021 31/03/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DCC-CS/2016-02O Early Years & Childcare Qualifications for Eligible Practitioners £0 University of Winchester / 289871 £0 01/04/2021 31/03/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DCC-CS/2016-02P Early Years & Childcare Qualifications for Eligible Practitioners £0 University of Wolverhampton / 352451 £4,500 01/04/2022 31/03/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN DCC-CS/2017-04 South Central Framework contribution to contract management £32,990.56 BCP Council / 368372 £8,247.64 01/04/2023 31/03/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Cambian Aspergers Syndrome Services Limited / 270907 £11,107,196.17 01/04/2018 31/08/2026
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 3 Dimensions Care Limited / 345579 £208,370 27/03/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Appleford Ltd / 357627 £126,487 27/03/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Potens / 359859 £649,556 27/03/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Bredon School / 349301 £26,400 27/03/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Cambian Childcare Ltd / 0000360490 £319,680 27/03/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Priory Education Services Limited / TBA £207,613 27/03/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Novalis Trust / 353539 £150,345 27/03/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Coxlease School - Priory Group / 293410 £1,209,762 27/03/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Somerset Road Education Trust / 358734 £34,308 28/03/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Exeter Royal Academy for Deaf Education / 347017 £103,212 01/09/2013 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Five Rivers Child Care Ltd / 166548 £175,062 28/03/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Cambian Aspergers Syndrome Services Limited / 270907 £822,138 27/03/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Diverse Abilities Plus Ltd / 1501 £222,067 27/03/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Marchant Holliday School / 198076 £648,879 27/03/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Priory Education Services Limited / TBA £40,043 27/03/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Mary Hare School / 3045 £171,378 31/03/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Moor House School / 352127 £42,026.01 31/03/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 More House School / 361633 £17,931 31/03/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 New Forest Care Limited / 345058 £265,440 31/03/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Autism Wessex / 341568 £713,124 31/03/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Cambian Autism Services Limited / 233885 £96,920 31/03/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Shapwick Senior School / 344494 £27,624 31/03/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 St Catherine's School, IOW / 8251 £51,447 31/03/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 St Edward's School / 160121 £405,684 31/03/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Cambian Autism Services Limited / 233885 £434,105 31/03/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Aurora / 363479 £578,897.63 31/03/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Cambian Aspergers Syndrome Services Limited / 270907 £435,407.48 31/03/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Employ my Ability / 359861 £667,728.05 04/07/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Fairfield Opportunity Farm (Dilton) Limited / 354603 £38,615 01/04/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 The Fortune Centre of Riding Therapy / 201961 £97,768 01/04/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Foxes Academy Limited / 354602 £46,153 01/04/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Ruskin Mill College / 352406 £145,620 01/04/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 The Sheiling School / 111067 £129,149 01/04/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Treloar Trust / 363867 £118,260 01/04/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Wessex College Limited / 231104 £67,600 01/04/2018 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Five Rivers Child Care Ltd / 166548 £175,062 01/11/2019 31/07/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Cambian Whinfell School / 357368 £500,000 01/03/2020 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 The stable School / 370104 £257,880 01/04/2019 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Spaghetti Bridge Ltd / 371139 £861,229 01/04/2023 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 The Luccombe Hub Ltd / 368578 £400,000 01/04/2022 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Graduately Developing Futures / 372709 £400,000 01/04/2022 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 South West Regional Assessment Centre / 350385 £1,069,090.50 01/04/2022 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Propel Education Ltd / 372913 £400,000 01/04/2022 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 North Hill House School - Priory / 230935 £400,000 01/04/2022 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 The Levels School / 371608 £400,000 01/04/2022 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Crookhey Hall School / 372094 £400,000 01/04/2022 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Hope View School / 371052 £400,000 01/04/2022 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Enhanced Learning / 365216 £298,841 01/04/2022 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Exeter House School / 358734 £400,000 01/04/2022 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Hamilton Lodge Ltd / 361755 £400,000 01/04/2022 31/03/2025
1000 - Dorset Council / 10004 - PEOPLE - CHILDREN / 1000401 - CARE AND PROTECTION / 100040102 - C&P PLACEMENTS & RES DCC-CS/2018-09 (A-*) Independent special School Placements £2,421,696 Inaura Ltd / 369016 £400,000 01/04/2022 31/03/2025